We are so happy to report that our long-awaited matching approval occurred just about a month ago. As of 11/12/2013, JKL is OURS to adopt!
The estimate we were given is that travel usually takes place 5-7 months after matching approval, which puts us at mid-April to mid-June. So much waiting. We are praying that it is on the early side!
We have been busy busy busy with paperwork!
There has been more government paperwork to file with USCIS, and we have been working on grant applications.
If you would like to help us bring our son home, my Lilla Rose business has helped us raise funds to this point. They make the greatest hair jewelry: flexi-clips, hairbands, bobby pins, hair sticks, flexi-ohs, and you-pins. The clips can also be worn as scarf pins! Everything I make goes to help fund our adoption. Click on the graphic below to do some Christmas shopping!