10 years ago….I was 16 and a junior in high school. That was my best year of high school.
5 years ago…. I had been married for just 23 days! We were temporarily living with my in-laws and about to start our final semesters of undergrad.
1 year ago….We were living in a coastal town in the tropical South Atlantic region. My husband was interning as a student pastor and I was working part-time at the church’s preschool as an assistant teacher.
Yesterday…I worked at school all day, came home, and did some baking while hubby was doing a home visit.
Today…is Friday and I have a snow day due to six inches of snow overnight and negative wind chills! I’ve spent it cleaning and shoveling.
5 snacks I enjoy:
Cheesy white corn chips and salsa
Archer Farms’ Dark Chocolate Hazelnut Bites (my latest favorite!)
Tortilla with melted cheese and sour cream
Homemade peanut butter snack bars
5 things I’d do with $100,000,000:
-Adopt between two and six children, internationally, over the space of several years
-Adopt between two and six children, internationally, over the space of several years
-Take a nice vacation with my husband to a warm place in January or February
-Give 15% to the work of our church body
-Buy some things we’d like to have for our home: a snowblower, a fireplace, a dishwasher, finish the upstairs bedroom to make it usable
-Put the rest in our retirement plan(s)
5 places I’d like to visit for awhile:
-Anywhere to adopt!
-Anywhere to adopt!
-St. Croix (in the Virgin Islands)
-Vero Beach, FL
-Boise, ID
-Somewhere I haven’t been…maybe Colorado or Montana.
5 bad habits I have:
–Being too hard on myself
-Thinking that our situation is the worst while it actually never is
–Being too hard on myself
-Thinking that our situation is the worst while it actually never is
-Expecting too much, too soon
-Longing for what I don’t have rather than being thankful for my blessings
-Getting mad at God for not giving us any children – this is the worst one.
5 things I like doing:
-Going somewhere a couple hours away to window-shop and walk at a good mall
-Going somewhere a couple hours away to window-shop and walk at a good mall
-Playing board games with my husband
-Playing piano
-Reading a good book
5 biggest joys at the moment:
My Lord and my God
My husband
Living in the Midwest
My Lord and my God
My husband
Living in the Midwest
Being able to save for an adoption
My home