My husband I have struggled with infertility for the
entirety of our five-and-half year marriage.
For the last two years, we have been living on his income and saving all
of mine (minus tithe and taxes) for an adoption.
I work as an education aide in our local public school district,
which means I get summers off. I cherish
my summer vacation, but it also means no adoption savings over the summer. We briefly considered me looking of a summer
job, but nixed the idea because after taxes and commuting costs there wouldn’t
be a whole lot of extra money coming in (we live in a teeny tiny farming town
that is a 18-mile drive from any decent-sized city with job prospects) . We also wanted to be able to follow through
with plans that we had already made for the summer (family visits, VBS, etc.)
without the inflexibility of an extra work schedule.
Then the gas station in our town was hiring. It’s literally two blocks from our home,
making commute a non-issue, so I thought
maybe this would be God’s way of adding to our adoption fund over the summer. I applied and got an interview. During the interview, the manager outlined the duties involved. The job certainly did not
sound like fun. It consisted of 10-hour
shifts every other Saturday and Sunday.
There would be a lot of very busy time on my feet and working by myself
As I waiting to hear back, I prayed that God would offer me
the job if this was His will for me, and for me to not get the job if it wasn’t
His will. During the two-day wait, my husband
sat down with me and explained that he would really rather I didn’t take the
job. He thought that I needed the summer
break, that it would be difficult to work around some plans we already had in
place, and he didn’t like the idea of me working there by myself at night. He didn’t tell me, “no”, but made it clear
that he’d rather I didn't take it.
The next day, I was offered the position via voicemail and
asked to give a response in 24 hours.
I thought, prayed, talked with my mother-in-law (who is a tremendous
source of spiritual wisdom and counsel to me), then finally called to decline
the offer.
Here’s my point:
Infertility is tough and painful, adoption is expensive. God wants us to be parents (I truly believe
this), and I should be doing something to earn the money to make that
happen. However, it is important to keep
things in perspective. None of those are
worth going against my husband's wishes. I
respected his wishes, submitted, and feel better for it. (And I sure am enjoying my work-free summer!)
I hope to start documenting our progress with our adoption
fund shortly, so you can see how God is blessing us, without a summer job, to
make it happen!
I am linking to Modest Mondays.
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